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How To Choose The Best Wreath Materials & Crafting Supplies

How To Choose The Best Wreath Materials & Crafting Supplies

Hi Wreath Lovers! We're so glad you've stopped by to read this blog post in which we're going to dish the dirt on one of our favourite topics: how to choose the best wreath materials and crafting supplies. This is such an important topic and it includes some of the juiciest stuff that any crafter or wreath maker will definitely want to pay attention to!

If you've ever watched any of Laurie's videos and live replays (there are hundreds on our YouTube channel) then you know that we're very REAL around here. There are no smoke and mirrors, just honesty from one crafter to another. Laurie likes to tell it exactly like it is, and that includes giving advice on how to save money with clever hacks like the tips we provided in this blog post: How to Wreath on a Budget Using Upcycled Materials.

However, though it's important to know when and how to save money, it's equally important to know when NOT to scrimp and save. As savvy crafters, it's critical to know exactly when to spend just a tiny bit more to get authentic and QUALITY materials and supplies.

We promise that the tips we share in this blog post will still result in beautiful wreaths made with fewer materials than traditional wreathing methods, and that your finished wreaths will be able to stand up to the elements. Because who wants to make a wreath that ends up in the garbage after two weeks? No thanks!

The Best Wreath Materials

Here at Unique in the Creek, we're obsessed with making wreaths! It's our very favourite thing in the world — right after family, Disney, and the colour bright pink! And it's our passion to create and source the very best wreath materials you'll find anywhere, whether that be in a brick-and-mortar store, or in an online retail space!

First things first, let's talk about the foundation for every sturdy and beautiful wreath. This is your base. Your anchor. Your structure. This is the foundation you'll build on, so it needs to be strong, tested, and foolproof. That's right, it all starts with your wreath board!

We now make 11 different kinds of patented wreath boards for all of your wreath and home decor projects:

Browse Our Wreath Making Boards

The wreath board is the main supply you need to take especially seriously to ensure that your wreath will survive the first rainfall of the season or big gust of wind.

Ever since Laurie invented the patented UITC™ Wreath Boards, DIY wreath making has never been easier or more reliable. Our Wreath Making Boards are designed with you, our makers, in mind. Now wreath making takes less time, fewer materials, and you get gorgeous results every time!

Our boards are made from 100% recycled and recyclable plastic. They're light-weight but completely durable. These are boards you can rely on. Best of all, they're easy to use and perfectly suited to any skill level.

The full board design and "Unique" streamlined system means no more twisting materials or pipe cleaners around your wreath base, no more gaps or holes in your design, and a tidy back that also won’t rust or damage doors. If you can imagine it, UITC™ Wreath Boards can help you create it easily and beautifully! And yes, we’re on Amazon!

Beware of Imitation Wreath Supplies

There's nothing sadder than when someone reaches out to us because they've accidentally purchased an imitation wreath board and inevitably, it always results in all sorts of problems.

First of all, UITC™ designs don't work on imitation boards because the holes aren't in the right positions. That means you won't be able to use any of our extensive resources, like our video replays and tutorials, to create consistently beautiful finished wreaths.

Second, the quality of these knock-offs is terrible, and your finished work just ends up in the trash within a few weeks because the board isn't designed to withstand the elements.

So, even though it may have seemed like a "deal" to save just a few cents to get this imitation product, you end up spending more money because the whole wreath has to be disposed of. It's such a shame!

You can avoid this headache by ensuring you always choosing items trademarked UNIQUE IN THE CREEK™ or UITC™.

Mesh, Ribbon, Wreath Signs & More Crafting Materials

At the time we're writing this, you'll probably be aware that there have been some supply chain issues as a result of global events. Hopefully if you come across this blog several months down the road this will be a thing of the past and the supply chain will have corrected itself.

But even with these supply issues, you can be sure that you won't find a better selection of the best quality wreath materials at the best possible prices than here at

Let's take a quick look at just a few of the items you'll find in our shop.


This is just a small selection of our mesh. The product list will default to show you the most recent additions of mesh to our shop:

Browse Our Decomesh


This is just a small selection of our ribbon. The product list will default to show you the most recent additions of ribbon to our shop:

Browse Our Ribbon

Wreath Signs

This is just a small selection of our wreath signs. The product list will default to show you the most recent additions of wreath signs to our shop:

Browse Our Wreath Signs

Vinyl Centres & Decals

This is just a small selection of our vinyl decals, for use on our Character and Rail Wreath Boards. The product list will default to show you the most recent additions of vinyl decals to our shop:

Browse Our Vinyl Decals


We also carry a variety of wreath and crafting accessories, all handpicked by Laurie who is an avid crafter herself. She's picked these to complement a variety of seasonal wreath and crafting designs. Check back regularly, you never know what goodies you'll find!

Browse Our Accessories 

The Best Wreath Materials Are Here!

Ultimately, when you're looking for the very best wreath materials, you need to look no further than right here at Unique in the Creek! We've got it all, personally selected with love by Laurie. We're a family business that genuinely cares about our wreath community. If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our customer service team at Happy shopping and wreathing!

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