If you’ve ever seen an absolutely gorgeous wreath hanging on someone’s door that has lovely shades of multiple colours fading from one to the next, you have probably seen one of our ombre wreath designs.
These wreath designs are gorgeous and impactful. You might be surprised to know that they're also easy to make! Anyone at any skill level can make one. You might not believe that something so beautiful could be beginner-friendly, but it absolutely is.

Whether you'd like to make an ombre flower wreath, an ombre butterfly wreath, or another wreath design, all you need to get started is a UITC™ Wreath Board, three colours of mesh, and zipties and you'll be well on your way to creating something incredible.
Ombre wreath designs are some of our very favourite designs for spring. You can incorporate so many different colour combinations to create something dynamic and simply lovely.
The three shades of mesh makes these wreath designs both soft with the fading colours and also vibrant. You could use a colour combination like orange, yellow and red for a fiery and bold wreath, or if you’re more of a pink and purple person you could create a more subtle palette. It doesn’t matter what colours you like best, any combination can work.

It all starts with our unique wreath making system:
1. Start with a UITC™ board.
2. Choose your materials; mesh, ribbon & more.
3. Use zipties to attach your materials to the board.
4. Add accessories, wreath signs & finishing touches.
5. Beautiful results every time!
Let's See The Process In Action
Here's a quick look at the process in action. Here Laurie is using the Large Wreath Board, also sometimes known as the Flower Board. She starts by folding the mesh into the desired shape for this wreath. Then she adds the first layer of petals to the board using zipties.

It doesn't take long before the entire board is covered in the beautiful shades of mesh that she picked out.

Before you know it, she's adding the final petals and flower centre to the board.

Isn't the result beautiful?

Take a look at this wreath Laurie made as a 9/11 tribute. The contrasting colours also work in an ombre palette:

See what mesh sets are currently in stock:
With so many wreath boards to choose from in every shape and size, the possibilities are as endless as your imagination!
Browse Our Wreath Making Boards
Ocean Inspired Ombre Flower Wreath
Let's take a quick look at Laurie making an ocean inspired ombre wreath using the Large Wreath Board. First, you can see how she uses zipties to put down the first layer of mesh.

She continues the same technique moving around the board to build the layers of flower petals.

The resulting flower is full, dynamic, and really beautiful. This would look fantastic with so many color palettes!

Ombre Butterfly Wreath
Creating a beautiful ombre butterfly wreath starts out the same way. In this case, Laurie has used the UITC Wing Board. She loads the board with zipties and then starts to add the mesh.

Here she is going in with the second shade of purple mesh.

As a finishing touch, she adds a body to the centre of the butterfly. We have all sorts of attachments you can add to your wreaths using zipties. You can click here to find an insect body for your wreath.

Watch the full replay to learn how to make an Ombre Butterfly Wreath in detail:
Watch the full replay to learn how to make an Ombre Flower Wreath in detail:
Get Started
You can see that making your own DIY Ombre Wreath really isn't intimidating at all. You can make one of your own with absolutely no experience and we're sure you'll be delighted with the results! So don't be afraid to get started.
Browse our shop for everything you need to get started and you can follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter for more inspiration. We also have a Facebook Group; as long as you're supportive and kind, you are more than welcome to join!